Daily Report - Gramin Jalapurti Cell, Panchayati Raj Dept, Uttar Pradesh (09/10/24)


For rural water supply projects under JJM, NRWPS & others in Uttar Pradesh

Proposed by Executing agency
Evaluated Projects (A) Reverted (B) Site visit completed by Jalapurti cell Pending for site visit (by Gramin jalapurti cell) Project Handed Over Till Date
By Jalapurti cell due to incomplete document By ADO By DPRO Surface water Ground water Total
(Uploaded complete documents by UP JN) (By Gramin jalapurti cell. PRD) Before Site Visit After Site Visit After Site Visit
(C) (D)
963 874 160 73 11 1 163 164
373 342 Proj Cost (in Lac.)
4763.40 33283.32 38046.72
No of Districts Proposed for Handover till date 71
Previousely Handed over Projects 1799